Analysis and Applications (AA)

Verfügbarkeit: nicht zugänglich. Inhaltsverzeichnisse und Abstracts sind jedoch meistens frei.
Volltext online seit: Jg. 1 (2003)
Verlag: World Scientific Publishing
ZDB Nummer: 2115439-9
E-ISSN(s): 1793-6861
P-ISSN(s): 0219-5305
Form: Volltext, Online und Druckausgabe
Kosten: kostenpflichtig
Bemerkung: Analysis and Applications publishes high quality mathematical papers that treat those parts of analysis which have direct or potential applications to the physical and biological sciences and engineering. Some of the topics from analysis include approximation theory, asymptotic analysis, calculus of variations, integral equations, integral transforms, ordinary and partial differential equations, delay differential equations, and perturbation methods. The primary aim of the journal is to encourage the development of new techniques and results in applied analysis.
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